And Why You NEED Natural Herbs - NOT Toxic Drugs!
These are the only words I could hear as I stared at the ceiling...
And all I could think was, "Am I going to die?"
I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my loved ones behind or missing out on all the experiences and memories that life had to offer.
As the paramedics rushed in and strapped me onto the stretcher, I couldn't help but wonder if this was it, if this was the end of my story.
You see...
I had just suffered a massive heart attack after years of suffering from high blood pressure and chronic pains...
And it wasn't like I had done something wrong, except for one thing...
When I was diagnosed with ischemic heart disease back in 2012, I immediately took the "safe" route and decided to do whatever my doctors said.
I would wake up every morning with a headache, feeling tired, and lethargic with constant chest pains.
Most of the days I had to force myself out of bed.
I just felt like a PRISONER in my own body.
It felt like my body was constantly betraying me with all this pain... And it sucked to realize that I wake up every day and don't know if I'll be able to function properly.
And worst of all...
I was sick and tired of taking medications every day (I literally did whatever my doctors had told me), only to realize that I was not getting any better...
In fact my condition was getting even worse, far worse, that it had almost put me in the coffin.
And after suffering from this massive heart attack...
Even after doing everything my doctor had said... I realized...
You see, my body was ravaged by a constant, unrelenting pain that felt like it was shredding my insides.
Every moment was excruciating...
Every breath was a struggle.
Everyone else thought that I was weak... Craving for their attention and sympathy, when in reality, I was going through hell inside!
I had tried everything.
From medications to exercise to meditation... but nothing seemed to make a difference.
The pain was always there, like a constant companion, a reminder of my limitations, of my mortality.
I had often tried to put on a stoic face... To soldier on.
But it was hard to hide all that pain and fear and stress...
Some days, I just wanted to scream, to let it all out, to cry my eyes out only in hopes of finding some relief...
Even if it was a moment of relief, a second without this pain, I would have given everything I own for that pain-free moment of peace.
And that's exactly what I did!
You see when I was down on that stretcher...
And heard my sister silently pray, "Please, God, let him be okay"...
I realized I couldn't give up on life like this.
I had two options: Try to change my life or face death.
And I knew if I made it out alive today... I will do anything and everything in my power to get rid of high blood pressure and chronic pain for good.
And thankfully... I did.
You see, once I was out of the hospital... I went on a pursuit to find the root cause of my problem.
And after going through hundreds of books and articles... Thousands of pages... Millions of words...
What I'm about to share with you will help you:
Heal your body naturally without any side-effects so you can live your life to the fullest knowing no after-shocks are going to pin you down.
Discover the everyday herbs you can use to get rid of chronic pain for life so you get to spend minimum and reap the benefits of pocket friendly solutions.
Say goodbye to expensive medical bills for a better, natural, and healthier life that allows you to relax and live it to the fullest without worrying about pain.
Treat diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and so much more without prescriptions.
Discover the hidden gems in your backyard that could make your health TEN times better.
I was blind-sided... and didn't know everyone was in on it.
And before figuring it out, I had to immerse myself in tons of research.
Digging deep into old manuscripts and modern research.
And that's when I discovered something shocking that I'm about to share...
I couldn't help but feel anger boiling inside me... And upon further research and talking to thousands of experts...
I got to know that my condition became worse due to something called "drug-induced nutrient depletion."
As much as the researchers have been trying to warn us, our doctors are hiding these things from us.
And it gets worse.
Here's a list of some of the main nutrients that get depleted every time you take your medication.
Let me explain it in simple words...
So, let's say you have a headache, and you take some Aspirin or Ibuprofen to help it go away.
That medicine might use up some of the vitamins and minerals in your body that help your bones and muscles stay strong.
And if you keep taking that medicine repeatedly, you may start to feel weak or tired because your body doesn't have enough of those nutrients anymore.
That's exactly what happened to me and others who use strong medication to treat their chronic pain.
It kills off the beneficial micronutrients your body needs while it tries to 'improve' your condition.
So what could I do now?
Well, all I needed was a way to replenish my body with these essential micronutrients that would strengthen my immune system and fight off this deadly disease.
And that's exactly what I found.
Using herbs was like climbing a mountain, with each step taking me closer to the summit of a pain-free life.
These herbs were like a rainbow, bringing color and vitality to a body and mind that had been dulled by pain and illness.
I eliminated high blood pressure forever without paying thousands of dollars to doctors...
Through natural remedies... I was able to get rid of chronic pain, which has now changed my life.
I compiled everything and on this page, I'm going to share the exact guide that helped me get rid of my high blood pressure and other chronic pain for life...
It's the best shot you have at fixing your life without any dangerous side effects...
And it has already helped over 6000 diabetics get rid of their horrifying condition without needing to visit a doctor ever again.
The real reason and the one that you might already know is because you never had an option before. The only treatments for even mild illnesses that you knew of are the one's you've heard from your doctor.
Now you have a choice and a great alternative to finally heal your body and help it get strong again!
Are you fed up with relying on pills that only treat your symptoms, not the root cause of your health problem? Meds that just lead to more damage?
I've spent years working on a comprehensive list of all the herbal remedies I used! The herbs I've picked contain rare medicinal properties needed to give your body the energy it needs to fight ailments.
Something pharmaceutical companies will never be able to make in a lab.
These miraculous plants were once only available in China and India but can now be found all over the United States and Australia. Making them cheaper and easier to find than ever before!
With my guide, you'll discover what these herbs are and be able to use them to treat 17 of the world's most common medical problems. Keep reading to find out how some of the herbs work!
These are plants that can now be found in your garden or backyard and can treat almost anything from heartburn and indigestion to hypertension, high cholesterol, weight gain, arthritis, joint pain, inflammation, and more.
I've personally tested 39 of the most potent and widely available herbs, and I've listed them for you according to how effective they were for me.
I've struggled with life-threatening high blood pressure for almost a decade, and because of my heavily medicated lifestyle, I've suffered through all of the ailments discussed in this book!
Unlike most remedy books out there, we only list 4 herbs with pictures under each condition, these are herbs that have worked for me.
You won't be overwhelmed by a bunch of remedies recommended for each health problem that may or may not be effective. I've only focused on what works and is one hundred percent safe for your body.
But that's not all - for today only, I'm giving away my cookbook, which features 50 delicious recipes that incorporate these powerful herbs.
Each recipe was clearly labeled with the specific herbs used, so you can create meals tailored to your needs.
If you want an excellent remedy with virtually no side effects, check out page 21 (my first herb under blood pressure).
In 2015, a study on a powerful herbal tea blend was conducted on 46 patients with high blood pressure.
Researchers found significant blood pressure lowering effects in both systolic (pressure of heart contractions) and diastolic (pressure of heart relaxations) by an average of 7.58 mmHg and 3.53 mmHg, respectively. (2)
Doctors even found that this tea worked as effectively as the blood pressure medication, Captopril!
So what makes this herb so effective? It has a diuretic effect, which means it rids your body of excess sodium without depleting essential potassium - a crucial mineral for regulating blood pressure.
In a different study on 65 people, given either the herbal tea or a placebo, it was found that this tea again significantly reduced systolic blood pressure compared to the placebo group.
After evaluating many more independent studies, researchers have concluded that this herb has a significant lowering effect in systolic and diastolic with no side effects!
One of the main side effects of blood pressure medication that I experienced is something doctors call 'drug-induced nutrient depletion'. You probably won't notice but when you take these drugs, you may end up with a calcium deficiency, a potassium deficiency, and a magnesium deficiency. (1)
What’s surprising is that all 3 of the minerals mentioned above are part of your electrolytes, meaning that these deficiencies contribute to having high blood pressure!
Sadly, the side effect ends up causing the actual problem that you’re trying to fix. Learn about this remarkable herb and many more powerful ones on page 21 to lower your high blood pressure naturally!
More than 60% of people with high blood pressure also experience high cholesterol. These conditions work together and can lead to cardiovascular disease.
When bad cholesterol (LDL) increases, it builds up in your blood vessels, eventually clogging arteries and forcing your heart to pump blood harder (increasing blood pressure).
Fortunately, I've discovered a fruit native to India and the Middle East that's readily available online and can be used to combat these effects. It's been used in Ayurvedic medicine (ancient indian medicine) for hundreds of years and can help keep your heart health in check by managing your cholesterol!
In a pilot study done to evaluate the effect of this herb on patients with dyslipidemia (abnormally high levels of LDL – bad cholesterol), researchers found a significant reduction in total cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fats) as well as an increase in HDL (good cholesterol).
Why is HDL so important? Our body uses it to remove LDL (bad cholesterol) from blood vessels and transport that cholesterol so that it doesn't cause harm.
In 2019, researchers found even more evidence supporting this unique remedy's benefits. This time they conducted a study on 98 dyslipidemic patients. (3)
Doctors divided the patients into herb and placebo groups. 500 mg of the herb or a matching placebo was administered twice daily for 12 weeks.
After 12 weeks, the herb again lowered total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol compared to the placebo group.
Even I was amazed after comparing this herb to approximately 3100 other foods and found that this plant was the most antioxidant-dense, at 301.14 mmol/100g. Antioxidants can prevent your cells from aging, and dietary habits and aging often lead to high cholesterol.
By adding this herb to your diet, you will be able to solve both problems and ultimately have the best heart health! Find this herb on page 29 (highlighted under - herbs for lowering cholesterol).
If you have arthritis, whether it’s rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or gout, you need to start using this remedy immediately!
This herbal remedy can help relieve arthritis or joint pain, or an achy muscle just a few minutes after application (as reported by severe patients!).
The plant contains various compounds that will reduce inflammation and the pain you experience. Some people even compare the sensation to that of the heat gels you would normally apply. All you have to do is break off a few leaves and apply them to the arthritis-affected area.
What makes this plant so unique is that its surface contains millions of tiny hypodermic needles that, on contact, inject chemicals such as formic acid, histamine, serotonin and acetylcholine as well as multiple vitamins necessary for improving bone health!
When exposed to the plant, this unique combination of chemicals creates some anti-inflammatory effect that seems to be working.
Researchers are still left wondering which one of those chemicals is so effective, but they know that the plant is safe and can continue being used as a home remedy.
In one study of 27 patients with osteoarthritic pain at the base of the thumb or index finger, the leaf of this plant was applied daily for one week to the painful area. Researchers compared the effect of this treatment with a placebo. (4)
After one week of treatment with the herbal remedy, researchers saw significant pain reduction compared to the placebo treatment. The herb was approximately ten times more effective at reducing pain!
Many patients who participated in these studies felt they could replace their anti-inflammatory medication with this herbal remedy. If you want to learn about this particular herb, check out page 13 (highlighted under – Herbs for Arthritis and Joint Pain).
Over 635 billion dollars are spent on pain medication every year! The reason why it’s so high is that people have become addicted to the numb feeling it gives them.
Unfortunately, that can have a detrimental effect on your liver. Other side effects of synthetic painkillers include kidney damage, stomach problems, internal bleeding, fluid retention, and allergic reactions!
Most people report stomach and intestinal cramps after just a day or two and often don’t realize that it’s their painkillers causing the problem. Our herb may be the best natural solution that your body needs!
Researchers have found that this plant has a particular chemical (salicin) that turns into salicylic acid (the active ingredient found in Aspirin). Fortunately, the herbal remedy has virtually no side effects or risks when taken in moderation!
To get started, all you have to do is apply a drop or two per day of this herb in its distilled tincture form or you can drink it as a tea.
In one recent study examining the effect of herbal medicine on adults with acute, sub-acute, or chronic lower back pain, researchers found this herb to be the most effective compared to a placebo. (5)
They also believe this herbal remedy can help eliminate migraines by lowering the blood pressure in the small blood vessels in the head, easing tension, and relieving the painful, debilitating symptoms.
Discover what this incredible herb is on page 18 (highlighted under – Herbs for Headaches).
When asked why losing weight is so difficult, most people will often agree that it’s because they have a slow metabolism.
But what exactly does this mean? A slow metabolism means that your body burns food into energy at a much slower rate than the average person.
What determines your metabolic rate may partially be your genetics but it largely depends on and is determined by your insulin. That's what most people don't know and that's why they tend to struggle to lose weight.
Why insulin? Insulin is a hormone that lowers your blood sugar by getting your body to burn glucose for energy rather than fat – so fat ends up staying in your body, and you gain weight.
But that's only half the problem insulin is causing. What really makes losing weight so difficult is that insulin also prevents the breakdown of stored fat for energy (lipolysis) and that's how it's impacting your metabolism!
If you look at the average type 2 diabetic who has a very high fasting insulin level, you'll notice that they're typically overweight. But if you saw the average type 1 diabetic who struggles to produce any insulin, you'll notice that they're quite lean! This proves that insulin really is what determines your metabolism!
The herb I recommend on page 35 (highlighted under – Herbs for Weight Loss) and contains a unique compound, known as cinnamaldehyde, that can mimic the effect of insulin! (7) The herb is absorbed much faster and works more effectively when added to our porridge, the recipe can be found inside your cookbook.
The porridge will help lower your insulin and improve glucose absorption (lower your blood sugar). And because your insulin is decreasing, your metabolism speeds up and you start to lose weight.
In 2017, the National Library of Medicine published an article about this herb. They tested just 3 grams, over 16 weeks, on people with metabolic syndrome (the condition which leads to weight gain, fatty liver disease and insulin resistance) and found significant changes. (9)
After using this herb, people with metabolic syndrome saw an improvement of up to 34.5%. Those using a placebo only saw a 5.2% change. In another 2018 article, they stated that blood sugar levels were reduced by an average of 52.2 mg/dL! That's four times greater than your normal average (12.9 mg/dL) decrease in blood sugar. (10)
Sunburns, acid reflux and dry or itchy skin are all common problems people face. What's terrifying is that these problems worsen as we age!
It's easy to turn to medications or store-bought gels as the first option for relief, but what if a natural solution could provide even better relief?
Aloe vera juice (not the gels) is a great way to naturally help ease these symptoms without worrying about harsh chemicals or preservatives.
This juice is an excellent drink for people with fragile stomachs, as it helps to soothe and reduce symptoms of heartburn or indigestion. It can also help regulate your body's hydration levels, meaning fewer headaches and less fatigue.
The best bit? It can also act as a skincare remedy, as it's known to help lock in moisture and soothe dry skin areas!
A recent clinical trial published in the International Journal showed that aloe vera juice is an effective moisturizer for dry skin. It helps reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity, something common drug treatments do not offer. (6)
And although pharmaceutical gels made from aloe vera can be convenient, they tend to be highly processed with strange chemicals and preservatives (like sodium benzoate) – much less natural than drinking pure aloe vera juice.
To make this change as simple as possible for you, I've prepared the perfect aloe vera juice recipe, found in my Cooking with Herbs for Health cookbook.
In my juice recipe, you’ll find the special ingredients that help aloe vera taste better with higher long-term nutritional benefits.
It will also help to prevent immediate spoilage so that you can prepare your juice once, and drink it throughout the day without needing to make a new one!
The next time you're dealing with a troublesome health issue or dry skin, try reaching for some aloe vera juice instead!
You'll be glad you did!
None of us want stressful lives, but unfortunately, the situations we put ourselves into or the amount of work and pressure we take on every day can trigger our stress hormones.
For most of us, the cause of our worry is known (for example, work, kids, health), but there’s nothing we feel we can do about it. This worry leaves us feeling helpless and often times angry, increasing stress.
Unfortunately, chronic stress can affect our sleep patterns, food choices, social behavior, and ability to get things done.
Meaning that without a healthy coping strategy, your stress will end up consuming more and more of your life!
I have spent nearly three years trying to find the perfect herbal remedy that works with the science and can easily fit into your lifestyle. Today I'm happy to say that I’ve finally found it!
It turns out that GABA, a neurotransmitter responsible for inhibiting or blocking excessive amounts of cortisol (stress hormone), is burnt out when we stress for long periods. Think of GABA as some kind of stress neutralizer.
The tea I recommend can block the enzyme, which breaks down GABA, therefore more GABA stays in your body and you start to feel a lot calmer.
In a 2004 study, researchers gave 18 healthy adults two separate single doses of 300 mg and 600 mg of the herb or a placebo. The results showed that the 600 mg dose alleviated the adverse mood effects of stress, with 70% saying that they felt calm with reduced alertness. (8)
Find out what this impressive herb is on page 12 (highlighted under – Herbs for Anxiety), and start adding this herbal tea to your morning routine.
The first one is called...
Growing Herbs for Health
I've added this guide to welcome my new friends. This ebook is just one of the two spectacular gifts I have lined up for you!
I thought it would be really convenient if you could grow these medicinal herbs in your backyard instead of having to source and purchase them.
So if you have no clue how to start your garden, this book will teach you…
… how to choose containers with good drainage, how to clean containers, how to improve drainage so that roots don’t become waterlogged, how deep you should plant seeds, how to ensure light requirements are adequate when growing indoors, and much more!
While gardening will get simple once you practice enough, one of the questions most people still ask is, “which medicinal herbs should I grow in my garden”? Of course, the most important herb for you to grow is the one that answers the health problem you have most often.
So all you really need to know is the medicinal benefits of each herb, for example, Thyme to boost the immune system or Yarrow to prevent bleeding! I discuss everything in this book.
I discuss popular annual herbs, popular perennial herbs, drought-tolerant herbs, herbal ground covers, and popular culinary herbs that everyone loves, and I discuss homegrown herbal teas!
Let’s start growing our own backyard pharmacy!
You’ll also receive a second gift called...
Power Foods for Health
Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you had a simple handbook that you could refer to when trying to find the best foods to eat?
For example, let’s say you find it painful to manage your blood sugar. All you need to do is open this ebook, search for blood sugar, and there you have it – beets pop up! A low GI food for salads.
This book is a go-to for all your ‘what foods can I eat?’ moments. I discuss studies and benefits and explain how each nutrient in these foods can help you with whatever problem you’re currently facing.
I also tell you what the most powerful superfoods are, and explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber, letting you know when to take which.
You'll have a full 60 days to try our Herbs for Health guide.
If at any time during those 60 days you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with this purchase, send me an email, and I'll give you back every cent. It's as simple as that!
Also, after using this book to take care of your current health, I'll also send you a full refund if you don't end up saving at least $50 on medication!
No questions asked.
That's my guarantee to you.
1. Mohn, Emily S, et al. “Evidence of Drug-Nutrient Interactions with Chronic Use of Commonly Prescribed Medications: An Update.” Pharmaceutics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 20 Mar. 2018, pmc/articles/PMC5874849/
2. Jalalyazdi, Majid, et al. “Effect of Hibiscus SABDARIFFA on Blood Pressure in Patients with Stage 1 Hypertension.” Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d., pmc/articles/PMC6621350/
3. Upadya H et al. “A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Emblica officinalis extract in patients with dyslipidemia.” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 19 (2019): 27
4. Randall C;Randall H;Dobbs F;Hutton C;Sanders H; “Randomized Controlled Trial of Nettle Sting for Treatment of Base-of-Thumb Pain.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 10911825/
5. Oltean H;Robbins C;van Tulder MW;Berman BM;Bombardier C;Gagnier JJ; “Herbal Medicine for Low-Back Pain.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25536022/
6. Surjushe, Amar, et al. “Aloe Vera: A Short Review.” Indian Journal of Dermatology, Medknow Publications,
7. Zare R;Nadjarzadeh A;Zarshenas MM;Shams M;Heydari M; “Efficacy of Cinnamon in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.” Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 29605574/
8. AB;, Kennedy DO;Little W;Scholey. “Attenuation of Laboratory-Induced Stress in Humans after Acute Administration of Melissa Officinalis (Lemon Balm).” Psychosomatic Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15272110/
9. Gupta Jain, Sonal, et al. “Effect of Oral Cinnamon Intervention on Metabolic Profile and Body Composition of Asian Indians with Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Double -Blind Control Trial.” Lipids in Health and Disease, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 June 2017, /articles/PMC5469078/
10. GAR;, Santos HO;da Silva. “To What Extent Does Cinnamon Administration Improve the Glycemic and Lipid Profiles?” Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 30144878/
11. Asbaghi, Omid, et al. “Folic Acid Supplementation Improves Glycemic Control for Diabetes Prevention and Management: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 9 July 2021, /articles/PMC8308657/
Please consult your doctor before replacing any medication, one should not change or discontinue any prescription without a doctor’s approval.
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